Friday, June 21, 2013

Finally Updated! The King's Empath has been posted!

After months of nothing new on my Wattpad page, I've finally uploaded the long awaited first chapter of The King's Empath. It can be read here.

Here is the excerpt for it:

After the death of her parents to the Red Fever, her uncle, the king, adopts Thea at the age of five. She is an empath. People born with the rare ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around them. She is now 20 years old and her powers have grown. Her uncle uses her abilities for his own gain, at times pushing her to the very limits of her sanity.
 The king’s negligence causes their once beautiful city to slowly turn into a pile of ruins as the Red Fever has not only spread throughout the entire kingdom of Lyria, but passes their borders. An Emissary is sent to them to them from their neighboring kingdom to deal with the sickness, but he is no ordinary low-level official. He is Baelen, crown prince to the Kingdom of Hadrian.
 The king is suspicious and doubts his motives, ordering Thea to follow the prince closely. When trying to sense the prince’s emotions, her powers are stunted. It is rare when Thea cannot sense someone. The only other time she has ever experienced such a problem was when the other person experienced the one thing she has never felt herself —love. In order to feel Baelan’s feelings for her, she must open her heart to the possibility of it before he slips through her grasps.
 But when the truth of Baelan surfaces, Thea is caught between helping the one she loves commit a terrible crime against the one person she calls family. Will Thea finally open her eyes to the possibility of a new future for both herself and the kingdom, or will her own fear once again triumph over what is right.

It's been a hectic time for me and I'm trying hard to go through and finish Dragon Heir, but my schedule is so extremely packed and crazy that's it's difficult to find the time to do anything. I'm hoping I'll get more done tomorrow and Saturday before I leave for my little mini-vacation with my mother for her birthday. Hopefully, I'll get things done, in the meantime, enjoy Empath!

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